Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Results & A Step Back

So that little "experiment" I was talking about? It was basically coupons & limiting buying. I love to browse & find something to purchase. I been on a coupon binge in an attempt to save some money (too bad my mother doesn't share the same sentiment & never looks at them). Anyway, in one week of using coupons I was able to save $6-8 bucks off purchases. Know it might not be a lot but that's money for 1 meal, 4 meals if you pull the college ramen trick. And that can go a long way. So I'm going to use more coupons when I go out. I'm also going to tag along with my mother when she goes shopping since I found coupons for items she buys & try to get her to use them. I found a coupon for Country Crock last week & told her about it. But then she ignored the coupon & paid full price. She could use a lesson in saving some money, even if it is just 50¢.

Also I have accumulated new debt (like $100 more), but I also paid some of that off. I haven't done my May total yet so I'll update my Debt tracker later on today. I'm afraid of the results.